Olim Fund of the Galilee
September 2004 Report

September 14, 2004

Shalom Dear Friends of the Olim Fund of Israel,

Last evening I again had the great blessing, honor and privilege to chair our monthly meeting of the Board of Advisors whereat we were again challenged to distribute a new record of available funding against a new record number of requests for assistance.

As a direct result of your generosity and love for Israel and our olim (immigrants) we were able to distribute $13,379 among 22 families who were faced with particularly serious survival level situations, such as impending eviction, the inability to buy food, the shut down of utilities because of non-payment, severe dental situation which were causing otherwise irresolvable pain, among a host of other such problems.

The Board was particularly blessed and honored by three distinguished guests who traveled from the States to be with us on this occasion: Harry Beecham, who, with his sons has been our generous founding donor since the inception of the Fund in 1996; Woody Clark, the director of Word of Life Ministries through which many of your donations flow to our Fund here in Israel; and, Viestur Latsis, a Latvian Jewish believer who provided some very helpful insights regarding our strongly Russian originated olim recipient base.

I am especially excited to welcome five new donors this month who have generously contributed to the Fund. To them and to all of you ?old timers? I offer my most profound and heartfelt thanks for your loving outreach.

You can be sure of His promise that you will be greatly blessed for what you have done.

With love, blessings and many, many thanks in Yeshua,

Bob Fischer



Family Size


Monthly Income

Overview of Situation Funded



Beer Sheva


Olga, who is a new immigrant from Russia had the misfortune of being aboard the

bus that was attacked by a suicide bomber in late August. She was severely injured and remains in hospital in critical condition.  Since she has no one close here in her new home, this gift is to provide plane travel for her mother to come from Russia to be by her side during this critical time.





This single male new immigrant has a long standing dental situation that has been allowed to reach an extremely serious level that was greatly impacting on his overall health. This gift will resolve the most serious aspects of his situation.





This young mother of three needed immediate emergency dental care to resolve a very serious and long standing  full mouth very painful and otherwise health threatening deterioration.





This working mother from the United States has been struggling to survive here for a number of years on a meager income that has not allowed for even the most essential dental care. Her full mouth situation had deteriorated to the point where she was in constant pain and could not chew any sort of solid food. This gift will resolve her most immediate problem.





This is a pensioner couple from Ubekistan. He is currently hospitalized with late stage  tuberculosis compounded by severe diabetes. He will soon be sent home but needs to have a  device for measuring blood sugar which is beyond their ability to purchase. The Fund will resolve this problem.





This olim family from the United States has just met the travel and tuition costs of sending their only child to a bible college in the Untied States to prepare him for an intended career in ministry. These cost drained the family’s budget to the point that they are barely able to meet survival level needs (food, rent, utilities, etc.) for the next two months. This gift will provide the bridge until they get back to their normal cash flow situation.





This couple is separated and in divorce and criminal proceedings. The mother has been subjected to physical severe abuse, and their teen age daughter has been greatly traumatized by the situation. This gift is to provide them with survival level subsistence as the courts proceedings progress.





The head of this family from the United States has a severe case of psoriasis that is causing him much physical discomfort. In Israel we are blessed with the natural source of healing for this condition through treatment at the Dead Sea. The Fund will provide a two-week treatment regimen at a Dead Sea clinic in an attempt to deal with this problem.





This single man is dedicated to providing shelter and counseling for recovering alcoholics. His very old refrigerator stopped working and needs to be replaced.



Nazareth Illit


The head of the family broke his leg and has only been able to return to work after two months off the job with no income or other benefits. This gift is to tide them over until their normal cash flow situation is restored.



Nazareth Illit


This young single woman made an emergency trip to Russia to attend the funeral of her father who died unrepentantly and to a help her mother adjust to their loss. When she returned home, her full time job had been given to some one else and she has only been able to find part time work, insufficient to meet her survival needs. This is a bridging gift to help her while she continues to look for more work.





This divorced woman lives in a government provided very low cost tenement located on the top floor of a large building. Her unairconditoned apartment gets excruciatingly hot during many months of the year, making it impossible for her to sleep at night and to otherwise live there in even a minimal level of comfort. This gift will provide a window air conditioner.






This single man worked for a company that went bankrupt at a time when he was owed two months salary. The matter is now in litigation while he looks for other work. This gift is to tide him over while all of this proceeds to some hopefully good conclusion.






This single man was left owed considerable money by his employer who fled the country in order to avoid paying many outstanding debts. Even though a court order has been issued to the employer to meet all unpaid salaries this has had no effect since the employer is not to be found in Israel. While he has found two subsequent jobs and is working very long hours, his salary is still too small to allow him to recover from the extreme debt incurred while he was involved in the court proceeding made necessary by his earlier situation. This one time gift is to help this olim recover from this situation.






This pensioner widow was being helped by her adult children however, they have fallen on hard times and con no longer help their mother. She is looking for work to augment her meager pension. This is a onetime gift to help her pay some accumulated utility bills.






This mother is living with her adult son while they await the aliyah of her husband who has stayed behind in the Ukraine.  She is unemployed and looking for a job. This gift is to pay for two months rent.






The head of the family became seriously ill while employed and was hospitalized for two months. He is now at home and unable to work as he slowly recovers. During this time his company paid him a partial stipend but this has recently been cut off. Since the company failed to provide the necessary documentation, he is unable to receive regular unemployment compensation from the government. His spouse has been working part time but her meager income is much less than the family’s basic survival level need. This is a one time bridging gift.





This family has been struggling at a bare subsistence level since they came to Israel from Russia in March, 2001. The head of the family has most often been unemployed and has gone from one job to the next.  The wife remains at home with three very young children and is unable to seek employment. The family is in great debt and needs to pay several crucial outstanding bills or run the risk of eviction. This is a one time gift to help them recover from this situation.





This young widow is unable to buy a very badly need refidgerator that this gift will provide.





This divorced mother of three young children recently lost her job and is now solely dependent upon the alimony paid by her former husband. She is unable to pay for the childrens’ current education expenses and is hard pressed to pay for other survival level expenses. This is a one time gift to help her while she searches for a new job.





This divorced woman pensioner lost her citizenship status along with her Jewish husband and her new residency status precludes her from receiving a rental supplement. This is to pay for three months rental assistance while she adjusts to this new difficult situation.





The head of the family endured two serious work related accidents during the past year. The impact of these has been an extended period of unemployment. The employer has withheld adequate paperwork that would allow him to receive compensation from the government, evidently that the employer fears that a government investigation of working conditions that led to these accidents would find that they are accountable. This situation has left the family in great debt and they are now struggling to survive. One time gift.





These parents of two teenagers are both now officially 100% physically disabled. The mother has been receiving compensation from the government for some time, but the father has only just applied after receiving his sad new health declaration. The landlord has threatened immediate eviction for non-payment of rent, and the family is barely able to meet survival needs on the one disability payment. This gift is to tide them over until the second disability provides a sufficient level of survival income.





Total Monthly distributions


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Copyright 2002 by Raymond Robert Fischer